hypnosis downloads

Stop Blaming Our Sleep-Deprived Kids. We’re Supposed To Be The Grown-Ups.

Stop Blaming Our Sleep-Deprived Kids. We’re Supposed To Be The Grown-Ups.

We raise our children on a crazy diet of early mornings, sugary food and drink, and blue-light saturation, then we complain when they don't meet our expectations. It's sleep deficit that's doing the damage, and it's all our fault...

Online Hypnosis: Better Than The Real Thing?

Online Hypnosis: Better Than The Real Thing?

Quicker, Cheaper, Easier. But How Effective? You May Be Surprised...  Which is better: A visit to a hypnotherapist, or a downloaded hypnotherapy program? Well, the online option is certainly a lot cheaper, but do these programs actually work as well as the real thing? Read on; you might be surprised at what you learn.