If you’ve never tried Guided Meditation, it's a lot like hypnosis, but quicker.

It's perfect for cheering you up, calming you down, or focusing your mind - when that's what you need - without the intensity of hypnotic trance. You can do it just about anytime and anywhere.

Guided Meditation (the way I do it) offers you a brief, comfortable escape from reality, to clear your thoughts and reset your mind.

It's more practical than spiritual. It's designed to nourish, refresh and heal you, in the gentlest way.

In addition to my professional vocal content, I've selected some really great meditation music for these sessions.

Just find a comfy spot, play the track, and treat yourself to some refreshing me-time, whenever and wherever you like.


If you regularly battle anxiety, practical meditation enables a new focus which helps you to take control of your feelings when you feel anxiety rising.

Anxiety Relief Breath-Work (8 Mins)

Conscious, focused breathing is at the root of anxiety relief. By bringing your metabolism under your direct control, you can dampen the effects of cortisol, suppressing its unwanted influence on your feelings.

Calming Your Anxious Mind (12 Mins)

Anxiety is usually accompanied by mental chaos or confusion. A few minutes of isolated meditation enables you to measure and regulate your thought patterns and priorities and find the clarity you need.

Handling Uncertainty (17 Mins)

Fear of the unknown can be real and troubling, and paralyses your momentum. This deep meditation helps you sort what’s likely from what isn’t, freeing you from inertia and helping you construct a practical way forwards.


Meditation is a powerful tool to boost confidence and self-esteem, suppressing negative self-talk and self-doubt. Meditation fosters self-awareness and reduces stress and anxiety, promoting a calm, focused mind. You’ll adopt a positive outlook, enhancing your sense of self and fostering unshakeable confidence.

Self-Empowerment Short Meditation (8 Mins)

If you’ve been hiding in the shadows, this meditation will re-acquaint you with your personal values and enable you to focus your powers where they should be; front and centre. You have much more to offer the world than you may believe, so here’s your chance to raise your game and exercise your right to confidence.

Eliminate Self-Doubt & Negative Self-Talk (12 Mins)

Whilst you always treat others with compassion and forgiveness, you often neglect to show yourself the same respect. When things don’t go your way, learn to support yourself and move on in a positive, optimistic way. Stop the voices.

Feeling Worthy (17 Mins)

Despite what your lizard brain may be telling you, you are absolutely good enough. Once you get on board with your own value in the world, you’ll claim the confidence that comes from feeling equal and worthy. This deep meditation will carry you there.

cultivate superior FOCUS & CONCENTRATION

Achieving your goals and objectives is a lot easier when you set yourself up to succeed. Learn how to shut out external noise and commit your full attention to tasks, study, or performance.

Preparing For An Important Task (8 Mins)

Use this short, powerful meditation to put yourself into the right mindset for an important task. How you prepare dictates how you deliver, so leave nothing to chance.

Enhancing Your Mental Clarity (12m)

Clear thinking without superfluous distraction is the key to effortless achievement. Use this practical meditation to unscramble your competing thoughts and find the clarity and vision that will keep you on track to a successful conclusion.

Deepening Your Concentration Skills (17m)

Access your hidden resources with this deep-dive meditation, enhancing your mental stamina and empowering your commitment to success. You have everything you need; you just need the encouragement and motivation make use of your superpowers.


Some days, you just feel like checking out of your daily reality for a few minutes. Clearing your mind of life’s challenges and practicalities enables you to renew and refresh your viewpoint, re-setting your emotional baseline.

Finding Your Quietest Place (8 Mins)

This short meditation has one objective; to guide you to the quietest corner of your mind, where nothing can interfere with your prevailing sense of calm and tranquility.

Finding Peace In Chaos (12 Mins)

Escape from the noise and turbulence of daily existence and wrap yourself in blanket of peace and relaxation. Chaos is simply a superficial layer that you can easily dive beneath, gathering the reources you need to thrive.

Peaceful Thoughts and Emotions (16 Mins)

It’s too easy to allow the demands of real life to toss you around like a boat in a storm. But you have control, when you choose to exercise it. This deep meditation will provide a welcoming landscape for you to explore, and equip you with the powers to maintain your peaceful equilibrium.


Have you ever counted the time you waste transitioning from active mode to passive mode, such as the end of the day or coming into the weekend?

Winding Down for the Evening or Weekend (12 Mins)

Try this transformative meditation to draw a line under the day, and prepare yourself to be yourself, particularly for friends and family who look forward to being with a relaxed, attentive you.

Slowing Down Your Racing Mind (12 Mins)

If you sometimes struggle to switch off your busy mind, this transformational meditation will provide you with a pathway to peace. Find the switch that changes the landscape and frees you from all the complicated stuff that can wait until tomorrow!

Short-Break Energy Renewal (12 Mins)

When you’re hitting the wall and your energy feels like it’s running out, try this deep meditation that’s designed to help you summon your inner resources and recharge your positivity.

treat yourself to SELF-LOVE & COMPASSION

You deserve the same respect and consideration as others, so why do you sometimes treat yourself worse? Self-compassion lies at the heart of who you are, and lavishing self-love and self-care enhances your feelings of worthiness and value.

Boosting Your Self Esteem (12 Mins)

This compact meditation is designed to reconnect you to parts you may have forgotten amidst the challenges of modern life. You deserve an equal share in society, so boost your self-esteem and claim what’s rightfully yours.

Self-Forgiveness (12 Mins)

Some of us live under a cloud of ‘what if’ and it can reaaly hold us back. Learning to forgive yourself opens a pathway to greater fulfilment and life-satisfaction, and this transformative meditation will help you find your route.

Building Positive Self-Talk (16 Mins)

Your internal voice is always there, guiding you. But if the messages are negative, you can be held back. This deep meditation will show you how to convert negative to positive, and find that voice that motivates and energises you.


If falling asleep sometimes takes you longer than you’d like, guided meditation delivers a practical way to slow down your body and mind, and prepare yourself for a night of deep and restorative slumber.

Preparing for Deep Sleep (12 Mins)

This short sleep meditation will help you prepare your body and mind, establishing the idea conditions for deep sleep. When there’s no remaining reason to stay awake, sleep ineveitably follows.

Mind & Body Scan Sleep Meditation (16 Mins)

This deep meditation utilises the most effective hypnotic ‘progressive relaxation’ technique to guide your gentle descent to the edge of sleep, then tips you over the edge. Once your physical self is disconnected, your mind is able to switch off too.

Descending Levels Sleep Meditation (18 Mins)

Harnessing yet another hypnosis technique, you’ll progressively descend deeper into the world of sleep until resistance becomes futile and you drift away, sleeping deep and long, then waking fully refreshed and ready to go.

Guided meditation and hypnosis are both powerful techniques for achieving mental clarity and relaxation, but they serve distinct purposes. In guided meditation your narrator leads you through calming visualisations and breathing exercises, making it particularly useful when time is short.

Meditation helps reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve overall well-being, often in just a few minutes. Hypnosis, on the other hand, delves deeper into the subconscious mind to address specific issues such as smoking cessation, weight loss, or overcoming fears.

While both techniques use similar methods of relaxation and mental imagery, guided meditation is more about maintaining daily mental balance, whereas hypnosis is typically used for targeted therapeutic outcomes. Each has its unique application, yet both can be integral to a holistic approach to mental health and self-improvement.